In this post, I am summarizing some of the NBR documents I found regarding taxation of earnings received as inward remittance from freelance software development. (Some of the pdf documents referred use Bangla fonts).
Recently (from July 2011), some banks of Bangladesh started to deduct advanced income tax at a rate of 10% from inward remittances received by individual software developers which they receive as wage/salary. But people were able to get a full refund for the money by applying to the banks stating that this money was earned from software development.
The reason for the deduction was that in the recent amendment of Income Tax Ordinance 1984, a new section (52Q) has been added (page 14 of this pdf):
52Q. Deduction of tax from resident for any income in
connection with any service provided to any foreign person.-
Any person, responsible for paying or crediting to the account of a
resident any sum remitted from abroad by way of service charges
or consulting fees or commissions or remunerations or any other
fees called by whatever name for any service rendered or any work
done by a resident person in favour of a foreign person, shall
deduct tax at the rate of ten percent of the amount so paid at the
time of making such payment or credit of such payment to the
account of the payee .
But individual/freelance software developers who receive their earnings as remittance should be free from this tax because of the following two SROs.
Although it says "up to 2008", the exemption has later been extended up to 2013 with section 33 of the Sixth Schedule of Income Tax Ordinance (page 61 of this pdf):
This again has been extended up to 2015:
The second SRO is SRO-216, 2004 (page 2 of this pdf):

This kind of earning can be claimed as tax-free, as described in the tax-return fill-up guideline here (pages 23-25 of this pdf):

33. Any income derived from the business of software development and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) for the period from the first day of July, 2008 to the thirtieth day of June, [2013]Subs. F.A. 2011:
Provided that the person shall file income tax return in accordance with the provisions of section 75(2)(c) of the Ordinance.
[Explanation : Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) means-Digital Content Development and Management, Animation (both 2D and 3D), Geographic Information Services (GIS), IT Support and Software Maintenance Services, Web Site Services, Business Process Outsourcing, Data entry, Data Processing, Call Centre, Graphics Design (digital service), Search Engine Optimization, Web Listing, E-commerce and Online Shopping, document conversion, imaging and archiving.]Subs. F.A. 2011
This again has been extended up to 2015:
(৩) paragraph 33 সংশোধনের মাধ্যমে সফটওয়্যার উন্নয়ন ও Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) থেকে আয় করমুক্ত থাকার মেয়াদ বৃদ্ধি করা হয়েছে। এর মাধ্যমে এ খাতের করমুক্ত আয়ের সুবিধা জুন, ২০১৫ পর্যন্ত বহাল থাকবে।
33. Any income derived from the business of software development and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) for the period from the first day of July, 2008 to the thirtieth day of June, [2015]Subs. F. A. 2012Provided that the person shall file income tax return in accordance with the provisions of section 75(2)(c) of the Ordinance.
The second SRO is SRO-216, 2004 (page 2 of this pdf):

This kind of earning can be claimed as tax-free, as described in the tax-return fill-up guideline here (pages 23-25 of this pdf):

thanks for the blog , its very useful . Still i have few questions if you can answer that will be a great help . I am a full time freelancer , if i have got you right all my income fall in the category of "Tax exempted and Tax free income".But i have to submit tax return , in that case do i have to submit any proof ? also in this case , my earning through salary is 0.00 . i am bit how to indicate this in the Return from . Please guide me .
I am not sure about the other methods (MoneyBookers, Payoneer etc.), but if you bring your earnings by wire transfer to your bank, you can ask the bank for a "remittance certificate" for the last income year and this document is good enough to be submitted with the tax return form. Probably you can get similar documents from other sources (MoneyBookers, Payoneer) if you ask them.
Yes, mention zero income from salary and show your foreign remittance income in the "Salaries" sheet where it says "Other, if any (give detail)", and show it as "exempted". Then write zero against serial-1 of "Statement of income of the Assessee", and write your tax-exempted income against serial-18.
nice post.We learn many things to see this post.It is very useful post for IT farms.
Software Development
The deduction of 10% of tax has been restored from this month, july 2013. Govt. has not extended the period, so all the freelancers will have to pay 10% AIT at source.
I think the tax exemption has been extended again up to 2015.
(৩) paragraph 33 সংশোধনের মাধ্যমে সফটওয়্যার উন্নয়ন ও Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) থেকে আয় করমুক্ত থাকার মেয়াদ বৃদ্ধি করা হয়েছে। এর মাধ্যমে এ খাতের করমুক্ত আয়ের সুবিধা জুন, ২০১৫ পর্যন্ত বহাল থাকবে।
33. Any income derived from the business of software development and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) for the period from the first day of July, 2008 to the thirtieth day of June, [2015]Subs. F. A. 2012
Provided that the person shall file income tax return in accordance with the provisions of section 75(2)(c) of the Ordinance.
Very informative post :)
Hi Andaleeb,
Thank you for such a helpful article. But i have a question. In which format the remittance certificate should be. As per i know generally a remittance certificate does not contain the source of the remittance or income. So how can i prove that this money is mine income which i gained from freelancing? So i am confused about such kind of remittance certificate will be accepted by tax office or not. Is there anybody who have a tax paying experience in case of such freelancing income? Please reply urgently. Thanks in advance.
Very helpful post.....Is there any hassle from NBR officials during submission.....I am full time freelancer and I want submit tax return first time in this year.
Mamun Al Faruk, I believe the remittance certificate is sufficient for return submission. It does not contain the source of the money. If you are asked for more documents, then perhaps you can show contracts with clients etc., that will support the remittances.
Azad Husen, it is probably best if you understand the guidelines published every year on NBR website, and prepare the return yourself, and then you can submit the return and/or outstanding tax during Income Tax Fair, usually held in September each year. In the fair, there is less chance/time for harassment. The alternative is to take the services of a tax lawyer. They usually take around BDT 1500, and submit your return for you, and bring the certificate for you. But I have found that they sometime submit incorrect information without your consent. Perhaps they also can submit less income tax than what you should pay, by bribing some tax officials. They may also bribe someone to make sure that you are never audited. My understanding is that if you are ever called into some audit or have to explain your return to some honest official, then perhaps you will not find your lawyer nearby, and will need to have a better understanding of exactly how much you paid and for what. In any case, there are pros and cons of both :).
Today, I prepared and submit my return in the fair where tax was Nil as I only have freelancing income. Nobody asked me anything. I have submitted bank statement where its mentioned 'wage earner remittence'. Hopefully there will be no problem.
I am full time freelancer and I want submit tax return first time in this year. The problem is Main Source of Income. What will I mention ? Service or Others ?
Hi Andaleeb;
Is this article and references applicable for all kinds of freelancing job(Graphic design, logo design, brand identity design)or this article is applicable for software business only?
Anyone is here who went in Tax fair 2015-15?
Can anyone please tell me what documents should i bring fie submitting tax return?
Should I mark in Foreign Income as I am a freelancer?
And Is there any tax for freelancer?
Are dutch bangla bank start to take vat from withdraw money from
is it true?
please inform.
Hi Andaleeb
This is a very well-researched article, thank you so much! I think all local freelancers and online earners (including those salaried by foreign startups, including myself) need some help with this because the tax situation for us is very murky. No lawyer or banker has the requisite knowledge to deal with foreign wages and salaries while you are resident in the country. It is somewhat of a problem worldwide but more so here in Bangladesh.
Do you know what is the present state? I would like to pursue loans and credit cards but it seems without a trade license or a TIN this is next to impossible. Such things require me to be a local service holder. It is unfortunate because what I am earning is 3-5x what I would earn as a local service holder in the same field if there were a market for it here (artificial intelligence), and 5-10x the average middle-class income. As online earners we are always subject to so many transfer fees and such that paying taxes is a big burden. Unlike in developed countries, we would not benefit much from the tax contributions (which would be a larger sum because of our foreign currency earnings). However, even if we need to pay tax, the process is not clear because often we cannot provide the necessary documentation.
I think what would be best if you could clarify here or in another article regarding the status of tax for freelancers in 2017, and whether or not one would be better off registering for a TIN. In that case, a tutorial for what to fill up in the TIN forms would be great.
Once again, thanks a lot for this information and I hope you continue to guide the freelance community.
Hi brother,
I work in a German company as a remote employee. My employment is contractual, and i have a fixed monthly salary. They pay my salary using Western Union directly to my bank account. Will I have to pay taxes for this income?
Thanks :)
@samiraian Have you found answer to your question? Having the same problem here
@julia best to speak to a lawyer. my lawyer told me that i'll have zero taxes as this money is counted as foreign remittance.
@andaleeb Very good analysis. Do you know what is the latest rule? Please share if you know.
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